Saturday, February 22, 2014

MPJBT wants to upgrade its status to city council

Kosmopolitan Johor Bahru
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JOHOR BARU: The Johor Baru Central Municipal Council (MPJBT) wants the re- bordering of local authorities to be done to help elevate its status to a City Council.
Its president Salehuddin Hassan said that the council was prepared if the state government decides to conduct a re-bordering exercise soon.
He pointed out that under the Local Government Act, a local council is able to change its status if several requirements were fulfilled.
Salehuddin added that among the requirements needed under the Act was that the local council must have a strong financial report and increase in population in its area.
“MPJBT’s financial report in 2013 was excellent as we managed to collect more than RM213.8mil which is an increase of 142% as we expected to collect RM150.7mil during the period.
“The strong financial growth is due to the massive development and investments taking place under the Iskandar Malaysia area,” he said when met after witnessing the swearing-in ceremony of MPJBT local councillors.
He added that MPJBT financial report last year was the best among all the local councils in Johor.
Salehuddin also said that besides the growth in its jurisdiction, there was also an increase of more than 800,000 living under the council area of 338.5 kilometre square feet.
“MPJBT only have 649 staff and officers. Once the re-bordering and change of the status is done, we be able to hire more people as well as to give better grades to our current officers and staffs.
“It will be a win-win situation for both MPJBT and the public as we be able to serve them more efficiently to meet their demand for a better service,” he said.
Salehuddin also hope that the state government would be able to resolve the re-bordering issue soon as MPJBT might have to give up some of their jurisdiction to Johor Baru City Council (MBJB).
“A meeting will be held soon by the state government about the matter and we hope that some good news would come out of it,” he said.

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